Taith is Welsh for ‘journey’, we are based in Wales but work across the UK and Europe.
We have a proven track record of assisting organisations to develop their capacity for self evaluation and continuous improvement on their own personal journeys. We have worked with many organisations large and small.
Much of our work is rooted in an Appreciative Inquiry (AI) approach, based on taking forward what works and building on this.
At an organisational level we fully engage all staff and encourage the involvement of customers and other key stakeholders. This results in a ‘whole system’ approach and solutions which are ‘owned’ by everybody. The final outcomes is culture change and improvement that is sustainable and effective .
STOP PRESS – we have been on an epic journey with our new Person Centred Planning and Outcomes Recording App – ForMi. This includes setting up a new company, winning a number of competitions (bringing with it R&D funding), and completing pilots across a range of Local Authorities and Third Sector organisations. Read the ‘News’ section for more details.
At an individual level we use person centred principles to assist organisations to explore what is important to the people they support. This involves taking a much more holistic view of the individual, focusing on their strengths, gifts, interests and wishes.
Our PCP training with one private sector care organisation recently (2013) won a Care Council for Wales National Accolade for outcomes for young people. This work was also featured in a National research study for the Health Foundation in 2015